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Irish Fellows: Our First Ten Days

They say time flies when you’re having fun, but that doesn’t even begin to describe how quickly the Irish Fellows trip has been passing by. We’ve been here for ten days now, though it feels like we just got here yesterday. Time has certainly gotten away from me and there is a lot to share.

Our first few days we spent our time getting to know Lahinch, the seaside town where we’re staying. Dr. Rob Babcock, the man we have to thank for putting this all together for us, stayed with us the first few days to help us get our bearings. He took us to many of his favorite local places including Kenny’s and The Atlantic Hotel where we said our goodbyes.

We also started to branch out into some of the surrounding towns including Ennistymon and Ennis. Much of my work will be taking place in Ennistymon with Salmon Poetry. 

The other girls’ studies have already started taking them all around the country as they look at different aspects for their projects. We’ve still managed to find time to explore for ourselves in between our busy schedules. Our second weekend in Ireland we spent Friday night in Ennis checking out the local pubs. The next morning three of the five of us took the bus to a rainy but exiting day in Galway. The bus ride back was long, almost two and a half hours in total, but it was the most beautiful drive any of us had ever been on.

To wrap up the weekend, several of us made our way up to the cliffs of Moher, or as some may know them, the cliffs of insanity. The views were stunning. So much so that these cliffs are getting their own blog post. Check back in later this week for more.

With plans to go surfing, visit caves, and an upcoming trip to Dublin and beyond, the five of us are keeping busy here in Ireland. Come back here or at anywhere the DLL posts for more.

Goodbye for now and cheers from the Irish Fellows!